Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lamp Re-do

I decided last weekend when I was at the Target in Pasadena (after a couple of margaritas at Chipotle) that I wanted new lamps. I bought these pretty teal ones and brought them home and they were way too small.

So I returned them. After discussing what Nate liked about his current lamp, we decided to try refinishing his lamp instead of replacing. But I wanted semi matching lamps, so we needed to find another lamp similar to Nate's. On Saturday, Nate and I went shopping.
Nate's lamp
 We went to the ICM Resale shop and found a lamp for 3 dollars. We picked it up and then went to Lowe's for spray paint.

New lamp (in front) with old lamp, all taped up.
Then we painted and lacquered. Ta-da!

My new lamp.

Nate's refinished lamp.

Total money - $15.
Total time - 2 hours (including time shopping)