Monday, October 19, 2009

Not a project: Our new dog Jill!

Jill is the new addition to the Williams house. She's a 6-year-old "Terrier Mix" (in quotes because that is the least helpful description I can imagine) that we adopted from the Houston SPCA about three weeks ago. Nate and I are convinced that she's the nicest dog ever, as she doesn't bark, is affectionate and likes to play and cuddle, doesn't have an aggressive bone in her stout body, and behaves better than most people. She looks like a fox 80% of the time, especially her tail, and officially stole my heart when she learned how to give me a high five.


  1. "Nate and I are convinced that she's the nicest dog ever"

    I'm convinced too!

    Can't wait to see the high five.

  2. What nice pictures of Jill! I plan to show them to my parents when we get to Louisville so they can see the newest member of the family.
