On Saturday we went out to buy a square-point shovel and a wheelbarrow/wagon to help us move the dirt from the front yard to the back yard. We have a giant live oak in our backyard, but the roots are completely exposed in some areas, and it could stand to be built up, if only to prevent tripping. We found both tools we needed at Walmart, and we also picked up some Ortho fire ant killer and a bottle of Round-up.
Once home we started shoveling piles of dirt from the front bed into the wagon, and then dumped the wagon contents in the backyard. N and I took turns removing the bricks that outline the bed and stacking them on the concrete foundation of a former shed in the backyard.

There's a pine tree in the front bed, and its roots have grown in between many of the bricks. Here's a picture of three bricks stuck together by a big root:

We treated the two fire ants piles in the front bed, and I sprayed the weeds that are growing in-between the sidewalk and driveway. After we were done moving dirt for the day, I raked out the dirt we dumped in the backyard.

Other yard-work things were completed this weekend as well. This coming Friday is a junk waste pick-up day for our neighborhood. We only get these every other month. We hauled out the vanity, and then stacked some of the former shelves from the garage, as well as the parts of the chimney that were torn off, and some of our broken down fence.

We treated another couple of fire ant colonies in the backyard, and pulled up these paved stones that were haphazardly placed in the backyard from the patio to nowhere.
And, for a bit of fun, we took the chance to douse the two stumps on the left side of the yard with gasoline and then built charcoal pyramids on each and set the whole on fire. The gasoline was left over from McVicker and we had been trying to get rid of it anyway. Our neighbor is the one who actually suggested it, which was good, since we didn't want to be setting fires on stumps and making them worry. I get the impression that they don't worry about a lot of things. We took precautions, such as wetting the ground around the stumps with water, and keeping a water-hose handy. Both fires burned for several hours. Next weekend we might try this again on the stump in the backyard.

There's still a lot of work to look forward to in the front yard. My long-term vision for the front yard is a paved area with a bench, so that the beautiful yupon that we've rescued can be appreciated. N would like to build a grill in the backyard out of the remaining bricks from the front bed, and perhaps recycle those silly stepping stones as well. A grill matching the herb spiral and the house sounds like a cool idea to me!
Our de-bricking tools:

Broken bricks:

Treated anthill:

While moving bricks N and I found a garden snake in the wagon:

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